
Showing posts from February, 2014

Cycle for Survival: Riding for Dollars!

                                                                                TALK ABOUT UPLIFTING...      Last Sunday, my family and I participated in the Cycle for Survival fund raiser for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center at the Equinox in downtown Chicago.  This fund raiser has grown into a two-day event in Chicago with sites in 18 other cities.  We were among more than 450 other riders who showed up at 8:00 AM on a Sunday with the sole purpose to ride, sweat like crazy, and raise money for cancer research.  The energy in the room was overwhelming and I was reduced to tears several gratitude.        As most of you know, last year I was too sick to participate, so Wynn, Nathan, and Nina joined my extended family o...

The State of the Lunion, January 2014

In keeping with President Obama's recent State of the Union Address, I was inspired to update you on my status since I my last State of the Lunion Address   6 months ago.  Also, the last time I wrote a State of the "Lunion" Address, I was hoping someone would note how clever I was...get it?  Lunion...a combination of Luna and Union?  I know, I know...funny things always lose their funniness when they are pointed out.  Sheesh...tough crowd... The State of the Lunion, January 2014      It's hard to believe that's it's been over a year since I was diagnosed.  Time passes fluidly when I'm not thinking about my illness.  It passes awkwardly when I think about my cancer and treatments over the past 13 months.  Events of the past year have been book marked similarly to time references such as "B.C." or "A.D.".  In my case the time references are B.H.L., (Before Hair Loss)  and A.X., (After Xalkori).    ...