
Showing posts from July, 2014

The Secret Ingredient

     I don't know if it's because of recent auspicious family events, (the birth of a grandniece and our nephew's wedding), or because I have serious cancer, but I've been nostalgic and feeling like I should try to pass on certain family pearls. I've found myself retelling stories and digitizing old photos for preservation.  A few weeks ago Nina and I made Grandma Anna's meatballs for a family get-together. This recipe is definitely a pearl. Wynn's grandparents on their wedding day.       Anna was Wynn's maternal grandmother and although she passed away well over a decade ago, I think of her often and still miss her very much. She was sweet, gentle and chatty.  Anna, the second of seven children, grew up during the Great Depression, worked her whole life in the offices at Sears, raised Wynn's mom, and helped raise Wynn and his three siblings, living with them the last third of her life. She was an amazing keeper of their home and w...

CT Scans #7, Update

     It's been four months since my last set of CT scans. Although there are times when I seem to suddenly run out of energy, for the most part, I have Just a nice photo from San Juan Island, WA been feeling pretty well.  I'd like to think that the way I feel is some indication of how I'm doing on the inside.  Most times I'm able to reassure myself that Xalkori, (my miraculous chemotherapy pill,) is still working because I don't feel sick.  However, every once in a while, what creeps into my mind is the fact that in the weeks and months leading up to the discovery of my cancer, I was feeling fine, too.       Around the time of my last scans I was experiencing some significant fatigue.  My work days were especially challenging.  I was so exhausted by the time I got home, I'd need a nap before dinner and was asleep for the night long before Jimmy Fallon.  My oncologist suggested that I back off of my workout r...