Reading Between the Lines
Earlier this week I had my monthly appointment with my oncologist, Dr. O. Since things are going well for me, the appointments over the past several months haven't been very news worthy. At this appointment, however, I told Dr. O. about my mom's recent stroke. All of her testing results are telling my mom's doctors that her elevated cholesterol level is likely the greatest contributor to her event. I have the same lipid profile as my mom and up until I was diagnosed with cancer, had been taking a cholesterol lowering medication, a "statin," for over 20 years. Cholesterol is a fat, a lipid, manufactured in our bodies. It's necessary for normal body functioning, such as cell membrane growth and maintenance, and it plays an important role in the manufacturing of hormones. Most of the non-dietary cholesterol in our body is made in our liver. Most cholesterol lowering medications wor...