A Little Less Drama, please.
All month, I've been trying to find time to write my next blog about how I've been doing, overall. It was supposed to be my 3rd annual State of the Lunion Address. Unfortunately, a few things have recently happened that have overridden that plan. Many of you know my mom. She's 87 years old and nearly 20 years ago, following the unexpected death of my father, she moved to Illinois to be closer to us. She bought a townhouse 5 blocks away from our house and when our children were young , she was incredib l e in helping Wynn and me care for them. Through her 85th year, she was fiercely independent, strong and healthy. Then in 2014, she had a stroke, and many things changed for her...and for me. We found a wonderful caregiver, who stays with her Monday through Friday. On the weekends, my mom would come and stay at our house , where we felt comfortable leaving her alone for a few hours at a t...