Fall 2016 Update
It's been nearly 3 months since my last blog. I've discovered that, like many things in my life, the longer I take to writ e a blog post , the harder it is for me to get it done. I don't like using the "I've been so busy" excuse, but really...I've been so busy. S o I'm t r ying to catch up. .. In August, Wynn and I made a trip to Denver, CO for the CancerGRACE Lung Cancer Patient Forum for EGFR, ALK, and ROS1 driven disease. Like other patient education sessions we have attended in the past, we learned so much. The most meaningful information I heard is that there are now 7 new medications that are either in phase I or II clinical trials, or will soon be, that I may be able to try when Xalkori stops working for me. This news, literally, made me teary-eyed. Since starting on Xalkori over 3 1/2 years ago, there has been no "next drug" for me to access. I 'm on the latest and greatest thing , and I ha...