
Showing posts from August, 2017

I Thought I Was Going to Die of Cancer...

...but now think I may die at the hands of white supremacists whose fire is being fueled by trump's support of their hate, bigotry and racism...or maybe by a nuclear bomb sent to the Chicago area by the North Koreans because of trump's ignorant and antagonistic rhetoric.  It sure seems like trump is going to get us, Americans, way or another.       I still may die of cancer.  I prefer that.  It may be sooner rather than later, if the Republicans and trump repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with something that removes the pre-existing conditions clause and adds lifetime caps.  Despite recent failures to pass repeal and replace legislation, the Republicans and trump seem hell-bent on bringing it all up again because how else will they be able to pass tax cuts for the rich unless they take away health care from 30 million Americans and restrict access to care for those of us with existing conditions? [

Being Busy with My Leptomeninges

     This summer, like most of my summers, has been a busy time for me.  When we're not working, Wynn and I are usually out riding our bikes, meeting friends, working in our garden, hanging out with our kids, and fitting in a long weekend away.  The past few months seemed to fly by, and although we visited friends in NY in early July, when I looked at our calendar, we haven't done all that much in way of recreation.  What is abundant are medical appointments.       Earlier this summer I was experiencing some new symptoms.  They were very subtle and infrequent, and somewhat difficult for me to describe.  In mid-June I had an appointment with one of my many doctors and I did my best to share with her what I was experiencing.  All of my symptoms could be explained away, but they could also all be caused by a single problem...metastatic disease to my leptomeninges.  Here's what I've learned about the leptomening...