Chemo Round Two�.Done

Today was another very long day.  Nina and I arrived for my 10:15 AM appointment on time and we walked out of the office at 3:30 PM.  Through my port, the nurse drew blood for a CBC (complete blood count) and other standard tests.  So far, my CBC is staying normal enough to receive the chemotherapies, which I�m so grateful for.  [This morning, the woman sitting in the chair next to me was told that her white blood cell count was too low for her to receive her chemotherapy today.  I watched as she tearfully called for her ride, packed up her things, and went home.  I can imagine how disappointing it would be to be unable to receive the medications that would be helping fight the fight.  I felt for her.]

My time in the chemo chair was a little longer than usual today because my doctor added two anti-nausea medications since the first few days after my first treatment were really rough. I�m hoping they help, but I�m dubious.  (I started feeling nauseous while sitting in the chair today, but I came home and took some oral anti-nausea meds that I hope will help.)  I�m tentatively scheduled for my next treatment in three weeks, but that appointment is dependent upon CT chest, abdomen, and pelvis scan results, which are scheduled in two weeks. 
I got some good news today.  The results of my liver enzyme tests that were drawn last week have improved over test results from prior to my first chemo treatment.  That�s a good sign that the chemotherapy is shrinking the tumors in my liver.  Additionally, overall, my liver hurts less and feels a little less �full�.  This week I really needed a small piece of good news. 

Wynn bought and set up a training apparatus for my road bike.  I rode a little this morning before my treatment and when I came home I rode a little more.  I don�t know if it helps, but I was thinking that if I get my heart rate up a little, I�d be circulating the chemo drugs around that would help metabolize them faster.  I know they�re supposed to be helping me, but I like the idea of getting them through my body as soon as possible. 


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