Hey...Check This Out!

     A few months ago, I noticed that a fellow lung cancer blogger, Tori Tomalia, had a logo on her blog site:  Best Lung Cancer Blog - 2013.  I wondered how one is recognized for this distinction.  This morning I learned that my blog was included in the 2014 group.  I still don't know exactly how this happens, but check out page 12 on the link below:

Best Lung Cancer Blogs of 2014

The stories that emerge from the lung cancer community can be inspiring, heartbreaking, hopeful, and thought provoking. Some of these blogs convey the raw emotions and day-to-day realities faced by patients enduring treatment. Others focus on encouraging news from researchers. A few blogs are simply calls to action from activists.
Whatever their purpose, these brave and talented reflect the shared experiences of everyone touched by lung cancer. These bloggers� perspectives on life give everyone reason to appreciate today and be hopeful for what tomorrow may bring.


     I follow most of the other named bloggers and have learned so much from them.  For other lung cancer ninjas, I encourage you to follow them, too. We have all had different experiences and it's enriching to follow their journeys.  


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