Another Birthday Gives New Meaning to...

....the words "terminal cancer."

     Today I'm celebrating my 56th birthday.  I normally wouldn't announce my age to the world, but given that the chance I'd make it to this day was slim, I would like everyone to know that I MADE IT!

     The best part about reaching this birthday is that I didn't "limp over the line."  I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer about a week after turning 54, and although the first few months of that year were beyond challenging, I've been fortunate to have enjoyed a, relatively, wonderful quality of life, despite having a terminal illness.  

      A great quality of life doesn't happen in a vacuum or by accident.  It is only with the love and support of my husband, my children, my mom, and MANY wonderful family members and friends that I am living my life as close to normal as possible.  All of you, including Wynn, have no idea how much strength you've channeled to me by being active participants in my complicated life.  

     Last year, I asked you all to celebrate with me:

     For this birthday, I am raising my glass to you with an ENORMOUS and heart-felt THANK YOU! 


(Oh....and F*&K terminal cancer.  I'm still here.)


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